
ChemStation Macro Download Page Macros for ChemStationSeveral macros have been created to add flexibility to the ChemStationlibrary search and NIST Mass Spectral (MS) Search Programv.1.7. Previously, one ChemStation macro (NISTINT.mac) wasavailable with the NIST MS Search Program v.1.6. This macro displays adialog box with options to create or append files of spectra to besaved for use by the NIST MS Search Program, to switch to the NIST MSSearch Program with automatic import of saved spectra, and to copyChemStation user libraries to NIST User libraries. In August of 1999,James Little (Eastman Chemical Company) and O. David Sparkman(Consultant) created several new macros to integrate the NIST MSSearch Program with ChemStation and add flexibility to the ChemStationlibrary search options.

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About this Guide This manual contains programming information for the Agilent 6811B, 6812B, 6813B, 6814B, 6834B, 6843A AC Power Solutions. These units will be referred to as 'ac sources' throughout this manual. You will find the following information in the rest of this guide: Chapter 1 Introduction to this guide.

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