Feb 23, 2016 The AIS data stream you illustrate looks like raw 7-bit encoded NMEA-0183HS AIS data. The GeoEvent Extension does not provide an adapter which is capable of decoding this format. NMEA-0183HS messages are a variation of the NMEA 0183 data standard.
ShipPlotter software running on your PC, you will be able to see a radar-like real-time map (below) of all the large ships manoeuvring in your area together with information about their destination, estimated time of arrival and even the dimensions of each vessel.Find great deals on boat motors and accessories in your area |
www.Yachting.com |
User feedback All, here is my report on ShipPlotter underway on our sailboat Sashay. Last Saturday, on a bright and sunny day in SF Bay, we departed our home slip and headed over to one of our favorite anchorages at Clipper Cove between Treasure & Yerba Buena islands here in SF Bay. Prior to departing, I had ShipPlotter running on my laptop outputting AIS info to my electronic charting program (OziExplorer). The AIS system faithfully reported all the ship, tug, and ferry traffic and since it was a clear day, it was easy to relate the display to the real world. All the shipping info and positions seemed to be very accurate. In fact, a tug was returning from berthing a ship and as I approached Oakland outer harbor from the opposite side of the container pier, I noticed the tug being plotted on ShipPlotter on the other side. I couldn't see the tug since it was on the other side of the pier but knew it was there and took action to avoid the tug as we both 'popped' out at the end of the pier. Sailing the Bay on Sunday was easier as well especially with ShipPlotter accurately showing course & speed for the high speed ferry traffic (30 - 35 knots) coming south from Vallejo, CA. As far as performance, ShipPlotter was plotting shipping as far out as 25 nm. Much farther than the radar. But, when the radar did detect a ship, it was easy to identify and track. Power drain on the battery bank was minimal since the only extra load was running the Yaesu FT2600 2m Ham radio. All in all, I think this is a very useful tool for identifing and avoiding the 'heavies'. Bev, thanks again for all of your efforts on this program. The 'radar' display is especially useful. Rodney S/V Sashay - K6YOT SF Bay, California |
Pocket ShipPlotter is a compact version of ShipPlotter that runs on a Pocket PC (iPaq). It is intended for use in situations where it is not convenient to use a laptop or decktop computer. Like ShipPlotter, it displays AIS messages on a chart. Pocket ShipPlotter charts are compatible with ShipPlotter charts and calibration files. Pocket ShipPlotter does not include as many options as the desktop version but it can save decoded messages in a log file and complete data in an NMEA serial file. Unlike ShipPlotter, Pocket ShipPlotter does not accept receiver audio signals - it is only suitable with a serial AIS data source. Only ship position messages and ship static data messages are decoded by Pocket ShipPlotter but the option to save the complete NMEA serial data to a file allows you to replay the full data at a later date using ShipPlotter running on a laptop or desktop. You can download Pocket ShipPlotter from www.coaa.co.uk/pshipplotter.htm.
If you are interested in ShipPlotter, you may also be interested in its sister application DSCdecoder.DSCdecoder decodes the Digital Selective Calling (DSC) messages used under the GMDSS for distress and calling purposes. DSC signalling is used in the MF, HF and VHF bands for distress and calling between ships and coast stations. Messages that can be decoded include routine calls for test purposes between ships and coast stations; calls to establish communication by some other means (voice, etc.) between a ship and a coast station; notification of routine and safety messages from coast stations; Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) messages, distress messages and distress relay messages. DSCdecoder will decode these messages and display and log their content. Like the AIS messages that ShipPlotter decodes, you can only hear the DSC messages on VHF if you are within VHF range of the sea. However, DSCdecoder also handles the DSC messages on MF and HF which can be received over much greater distances if you have a suitable receiver. As an added bonus, DSCdecoder also decodes Navtex messages of navigational and meteorolgical warnings that are broadcast on 518 kHz. It also decodes the identity of DGPS stations in the maritime beacon band. You can download DSCdecoder from www.coaa.co.uk/dscdecoder.htm.
Another marine monitoring application is EpirbPlotter. EPIRBs are Emergency Position Identifying Radio Beacons. The newly approved EPIRBs transmit digital messages on 406.025MHz. EpirbPlotter can decode these messages, including the messages transmitted when the Test function is activated. You can download EpirbPlotter from www.coaa.co.uk/epirbplotter.htm.
ShipPlotter can be downloaded freely and comes as a standard self installing setup file. The file size is around 3 Mb.
To use earlier versions of ShipPlotter after 31 December 2014 you will need an updated WMM.COF file, which contains the coefficients for the World Magnetic Model used to convert true bearings to magnetic.
ShipPlotter can be freely downloaded and used for 21 days. After that time it must be registered. Registration can be done swiftly and securely on-line and costs only Euro €25 for personal use and €215 for professional or corporate use. (VAT is added to these charges for customers within the EU). We strongly recommend that you ensure that ShipPlotter performs to your complete satisfaction before registering.
There is a lively discussion forum for ShipPlotter users in the Yahoo egroups domain where users exchange hints, tips, charts and suggestions.
To get the best out of ShipPlotter you need charts on which to plot the traffic that you receive.
NV Charts
ShipPlotter can read digital nautical charts of Europe, the USA and the Carribean produced by NV Charts obtainable via this link.
ShipPlotter itself can import satellite images that are automatically calibrated for use with the program.
If you need coastline charts rather than satellite images, Hal Mueller has generously provided a means to generate charts at his splendid Mobile Geographics website, where you can easily create a personalised chart of your local area.
If you are in North America, you can download charts in BSB format (that ShipPlotter can read directly) from http://www.charts.noaa.gov. The charts you want are Raster Navigational Charts® (NOAA RNCs). Save the chart folder(s) in the chart files directory for ShipPlotter. Each folder contains a .BSB file and one or more .KAP files.
An alternative, if you are in the USA, is a two-DVD set of charts from Managing the Waterway. The BSB charts on these DVDs can be read by ShipPlotter and they make an attractive alternative (currently only $39.95) to downloading large volumes of data.
If you are in western Europe, you can download compressed VMAP Level Zero charts below. Export chemstation data to excel. ShipPlotter can read the vec/nam files and generate a customised outline chart.
CombiPlotter provides you with a low-overhead means of displaying the ship data known to ShipPlotter on another chart view. It will plot simultaneous data from ShipPlotter, PlanePlotter, OrbcommPlotter and SondeMonitor on a single chart.
Richard (VE3IGE) has devised an add-on for ShipPlotter that manages a database and displays the information carried by special binary message formats that are used by the AIS system in the St Lawrence Seaway area. The self installing package includes a VB runtime so it is somewhat over 4 Mb. The message formats include weather reports, water level and water flow reports, lock sequence messages and other interesting data. Rick's database archives and displays this information with a very professional user interface.
If you have an earlier version, Richard has released an update file which which adds the display of meteorological information from European base stations. It is the replacement exe. You need to right click on the link below and select 'Save As' and store it in the directory where the original AISMessage.exe is saved.
If you need to upload data at regular intervals to a web site (eg from the ship.vbs script), Richard has penned a utility to do that. Download the zip file, unzip it and run the setup file.
SP2GM shows you your ShipPlotter plots on a local Google-Map display. Curt Deegan has exercised his skill with scripting languages to extract the current ships displayed on the ShipPlotter chart and to display them instead on a local Google-Map presentation. This add on requires an Internet connection for Google-Maps but it does not require a web server.
SpUp (ShipPlotter Uploader) is a tiny freeware utility for Linux users. As the name suggests, it allows you to upload AIS data to the ShipPlotter sharing server using a Linux box. It requires access to a serial port that receives AIS data in serial NMEA format from a dedicated AIS receiver, and Internet access. It can operate blind or in a command line window with command line options to specify the com port number and the user sharing ID code. The executable file was compiled with static linking and no library requirements. It has been tested on Red Hat/Fedora and SuSe but may work on other flavours of Linux.
The following list of dedicated AIS receivers is by no means exhaustive.
In addition to those, many VHF scanner receivers provide a discriminator output that can be connected to the PC Line-In and decoded by ShipPlotter. Many receivers that do not offer a discriminator output can be modified to yield a suitable signal output by following the instructions on Rene's valuable web site.
Version changes in ShipPlotter are to be found here.
There are considerable variations in the legislation concerning radio reception in the different administrations around the world. It is your responsibility to determine whether or not your local administration permits the reception of AIS messages from ships. It is specifically forbidden to use ShipPlotter for any illegal purpose whatsoever. The existence and the availability of ShipPlotter is not to be construed as an incitement to commit any unlawful act. It is for use only in those states and regions where such use is permitted.
If you carry ShipPlotter on board any vessel you must understand that, while ShipPlottermay provide you with some potentially useful information about some of the ships in your vicinity, COAA does not make any warranties whatsoever that ShipPlotter is fit or appropriate for any application, including but not limited to, applications where the safety of life is at stake. On the contrary, your primary means of navigation, collision avoidance and seamanship in general must place no reliance whatsoever on ShipPlotter or any of the data that it generates. Not all vessels carry AIS equipment; not all vessels that carry it can be relied upon to have it operational; the radio receiver to which ShipPlotter is connected may not be delivering all messages in a decodable form; ShipPlotter may not decode messages correctly; ShipPlotter code is reliability tested to an extent that is adequate for entertainment and educational use but is neither warranted nor tested for any operational use.
Contact us: support@shipplotter.com
Feb 23, 2016 The AIS data stream you illustrate looks like raw 7-bit encoded NMEA-0183HS AIS data. The GeoEvent Extension does not provide an adapter which is capable of decoding this format. NMEA-0183HS messages are a variation of the NMEA 0183 data standard.
ShipPlotter software running on your PC, you will be able to see a radar-like real-time map (below) of all the large ships manoeuvring in your area together with information about their destination, estimated time of arrival and even the dimensions of each vessel.Find great deals on boat motors and accessories in your area |
www.Yachting.com |
User feedback All, here is my report on ShipPlotter underway on our sailboat Sashay. Last Saturday, on a bright and sunny day in SF Bay, we departed our home slip and headed over to one of our favorite anchorages at Clipper Cove between Treasure & Yerba Buena islands here in SF Bay. Prior to departing, I had ShipPlotter running on my laptop outputting AIS info to my electronic charting program (OziExplorer). The AIS system faithfully reported all the ship, tug, and ferry traffic and since it was a clear day, it was easy to relate the display to the real world. All the shipping info and positions seemed to be very accurate. In fact, a tug was returning from berthing a ship and as I approached Oakland outer harbor from the opposite side of the container pier, I noticed the tug being plotted on ShipPlotter on the other side. I couldn\'t see the tug since it was on the other side of the pier but knew it was there and took action to avoid the tug as we both \'popped\' out at the end of the pier. Sailing the Bay on Sunday was easier as well especially with ShipPlotter accurately showing course & speed for the high speed ferry traffic (30 - 35 knots) coming south from Vallejo, CA. As far as performance, ShipPlotter was plotting shipping as far out as 25 nm. Much farther than the radar. But, when the radar did detect a ship, it was easy to identify and track. Power drain on the battery bank was minimal since the only extra load was running the Yaesu FT2600 2m Ham radio. All in all, I think this is a very useful tool for identifing and avoiding the \'heavies\'. Bev, thanks again for all of your efforts on this program. The \'radar\' display is especially useful. Rodney S/V Sashay - K6YOT SF Bay, California |
Pocket ShipPlotter is a compact version of ShipPlotter that runs on a Pocket PC (iPaq). It is intended for use in situations where it is not convenient to use a laptop or decktop computer. Like ShipPlotter, it displays AIS messages on a chart. Pocket ShipPlotter charts are compatible with ShipPlotter charts and calibration files. Pocket ShipPlotter does not include as many options as the desktop version but it can save decoded messages in a log file and complete data in an NMEA serial file. Unlike ShipPlotter, Pocket ShipPlotter does not accept receiver audio signals - it is only suitable with a serial AIS data source. Only ship position messages and ship static data messages are decoded by Pocket ShipPlotter but the option to save the complete NMEA serial data to a file allows you to replay the full data at a later date using ShipPlotter running on a laptop or desktop. You can download Pocket ShipPlotter from www.coaa.co.uk/pshipplotter.htm.
If you are interested in ShipPlotter, you may also be interested in its sister application DSCdecoder.DSCdecoder decodes the Digital Selective Calling (DSC) messages used under the GMDSS for distress and calling purposes. DSC signalling is used in the MF, HF and VHF bands for distress and calling between ships and coast stations. Messages that can be decoded include routine calls for test purposes between ships and coast stations; calls to establish communication by some other means (voice, etc.) between a ship and a coast station; notification of routine and safety messages from coast stations; Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) messages, distress messages and distress relay messages. DSCdecoder will decode these messages and display and log their content. Like the AIS messages that ShipPlotter decodes, you can only hear the DSC messages on VHF if you are within VHF range of the sea. However, DSCdecoder also handles the DSC messages on MF and HF which can be received over much greater distances if you have a suitable receiver. As an added bonus, DSCdecoder also decodes Navtex messages of navigational and meteorolgical warnings that are broadcast on 518 kHz. It also decodes the identity of DGPS stations in the maritime beacon band. You can download DSCdecoder from www.coaa.co.uk/dscdecoder.htm.
Another marine monitoring application is EpirbPlotter. EPIRBs are Emergency Position Identifying Radio Beacons. The newly approved EPIRBs transmit digital messages on 406.025MHz. EpirbPlotter can decode these messages, including the messages transmitted when the Test function is activated. You can download EpirbPlotter from www.coaa.co.uk/epirbplotter.htm.
ShipPlotter can be downloaded freely and comes as a standard self installing setup file. The file size is around 3 Mb.
To use earlier versions of ShipPlotter after 31 December 2014 you will need an updated WMM.COF file, which contains the coefficients for the World Magnetic Model used to convert true bearings to magnetic.
ShipPlotter can be freely downloaded and used for 21 days. After that time it must be registered. Registration can be done swiftly and securely on-line and costs only Euro €25 for personal use and €215 for professional or corporate use. (VAT is added to these charges for customers within the EU). We strongly recommend that you ensure that ShipPlotter performs to your complete satisfaction before registering.
There is a lively discussion forum for ShipPlotter users in the Yahoo egroups domain where users exchange hints, tips, charts and suggestions.
To get the best out of ShipPlotter you need charts on which to plot the traffic that you receive.
NV Charts
ShipPlotter can read digital nautical charts of Europe, the USA and the Carribean produced by NV Charts obtainable via this link.
ShipPlotter itself can import satellite images that are automatically calibrated for use with the program.
If you need coastline charts rather than satellite images, Hal Mueller has generously provided a means to generate charts at his splendid Mobile Geographics website, where you can easily create a personalised chart of your local area.
If you are in North America, you can download charts in BSB format (that ShipPlotter can read directly) from http://www.charts.noaa.gov. The charts you want are Raster Navigational Charts® (NOAA RNCs). Save the chart folder(s) in the chart files directory for ShipPlotter. Each folder contains a .BSB file and one or more .KAP files.
An alternative, if you are in the USA, is a two-DVD set of charts from Managing the Waterway. The BSB charts on these DVDs can be read by ShipPlotter and they make an attractive alternative (currently only $39.95) to downloading large volumes of data.
If you are in western Europe, you can download compressed VMAP Level Zero charts below. Export chemstation data to excel. ShipPlotter can read the vec/nam files and generate a customised outline chart.
CombiPlotter provides you with a low-overhead means of displaying the ship data known to ShipPlotter on another chart view. It will plot simultaneous data from ShipPlotter, PlanePlotter, OrbcommPlotter and SondeMonitor on a single chart.
Richard (VE3IGE) has devised an add-on for ShipPlotter that manages a database and displays the information carried by special binary message formats that are used by the AIS system in the St Lawrence Seaway area. The self installing package includes a VB runtime so it is somewhat over 4 Mb. The message formats include weather reports, water level and water flow reports, lock sequence messages and other interesting data. Rick\'s database archives and displays this information with a very professional user interface.
If you have an earlier version, Richard has released an update file which which adds the display of meteorological information from European base stations. It is the replacement exe. You need to right click on the link below and select \'Save As\' and store it in the directory where the original AISMessage.exe is saved.
If you need to upload data at regular intervals to a web site (eg from the ship.vbs script), Richard has penned a utility to do that. Download the zip file, unzip it and run the setup file.
SP2GM shows you your ShipPlotter plots on a local Google-Map display. Curt Deegan has exercised his skill with scripting languages to extract the current ships displayed on the ShipPlotter chart and to display them instead on a local Google-Map presentation. This add on requires an Internet connection for Google-Maps but it does not require a web server.
SpUp (ShipPlotter Uploader) is a tiny freeware utility for Linux users. As the name suggests, it allows you to upload AIS data to the ShipPlotter sharing server using a Linux box. It requires access to a serial port that receives AIS data in serial NMEA format from a dedicated AIS receiver, and Internet access. It can operate blind or in a command line window with command line options to specify the com port number and the user sharing ID code. The executable file was compiled with static linking and no library requirements. It has been tested on Red Hat/Fedora and SuSe but may work on other flavours of Linux.
The following list of dedicated AIS receivers is by no means exhaustive.
In addition to those, many VHF scanner receivers provide a discriminator output that can be connected to the PC Line-In and decoded by ShipPlotter. Many receivers that do not offer a discriminator output can be modified to yield a suitable signal output by following the instructions on Rene\'s valuable web site.
Version changes in ShipPlotter are to be found here.
There are considerable variations in the legislation concerning radio reception in the different administrations around the world. It is your responsibility to determine whether or not your local administration permits the reception of AIS messages from ships. It is specifically forbidden to use ShipPlotter for any illegal purpose whatsoever. The existence and the availability of ShipPlotter is not to be construed as an incitement to commit any unlawful act. It is for use only in those states and regions where such use is permitted.
If you carry ShipPlotter on board any vessel you must understand that, while ShipPlottermay provide you with some potentially useful information about some of the ships in your vicinity, COAA does not make any warranties whatsoever that ShipPlotter is fit or appropriate for any application, including but not limited to, applications where the safety of life is at stake. On the contrary, your primary means of navigation, collision avoidance and seamanship in general must place no reliance whatsoever on ShipPlotter or any of the data that it generates. Not all vessels carry AIS equipment; not all vessels that carry it can be relied upon to have it operational; the radio receiver to which ShipPlotter is connected may not be delivering all messages in a decodable form; ShipPlotter may not decode messages correctly; ShipPlotter code is reliability tested to an extent that is adequate for entertainment and educational use but is neither warranted nor tested for any operational use.
Contact us: support@shipplotter.com
...'>Ais Decoding Software(08.05.2020)Feb 23, 2016 The AIS data stream you illustrate looks like raw 7-bit encoded NMEA-0183HS AIS data. The GeoEvent Extension does not provide an adapter which is capable of decoding this format. NMEA-0183HS messages are a variation of the NMEA 0183 data standard.
ShipPlotter software running on your PC, you will be able to see a radar-like real-time map (below) of all the large ships manoeuvring in your area together with information about their destination, estimated time of arrival and even the dimensions of each vessel.Find great deals on boat motors and accessories in your area |
www.Yachting.com |
User feedback All, here is my report on ShipPlotter underway on our sailboat Sashay. Last Saturday, on a bright and sunny day in SF Bay, we departed our home slip and headed over to one of our favorite anchorages at Clipper Cove between Treasure & Yerba Buena islands here in SF Bay. Prior to departing, I had ShipPlotter running on my laptop outputting AIS info to my electronic charting program (OziExplorer). The AIS system faithfully reported all the ship, tug, and ferry traffic and since it was a clear day, it was easy to relate the display to the real world. All the shipping info and positions seemed to be very accurate. In fact, a tug was returning from berthing a ship and as I approached Oakland outer harbor from the opposite side of the container pier, I noticed the tug being plotted on ShipPlotter on the other side. I couldn\'t see the tug since it was on the other side of the pier but knew it was there and took action to avoid the tug as we both \'popped\' out at the end of the pier. Sailing the Bay on Sunday was easier as well especially with ShipPlotter accurately showing course & speed for the high speed ferry traffic (30 - 35 knots) coming south from Vallejo, CA. As far as performance, ShipPlotter was plotting shipping as far out as 25 nm. Much farther than the radar. But, when the radar did detect a ship, it was easy to identify and track. Power drain on the battery bank was minimal since the only extra load was running the Yaesu FT2600 2m Ham radio. All in all, I think this is a very useful tool for identifing and avoiding the \'heavies\'. Bev, thanks again for all of your efforts on this program. The \'radar\' display is especially useful. Rodney S/V Sashay - K6YOT SF Bay, California |
Pocket ShipPlotter is a compact version of ShipPlotter that runs on a Pocket PC (iPaq). It is intended for use in situations where it is not convenient to use a laptop or decktop computer. Like ShipPlotter, it displays AIS messages on a chart. Pocket ShipPlotter charts are compatible with ShipPlotter charts and calibration files. Pocket ShipPlotter does not include as many options as the desktop version but it can save decoded messages in a log file and complete data in an NMEA serial file. Unlike ShipPlotter, Pocket ShipPlotter does not accept receiver audio signals - it is only suitable with a serial AIS data source. Only ship position messages and ship static data messages are decoded by Pocket ShipPlotter but the option to save the complete NMEA serial data to a file allows you to replay the full data at a later date using ShipPlotter running on a laptop or desktop. You can download Pocket ShipPlotter from www.coaa.co.uk/pshipplotter.htm.
If you are interested in ShipPlotter, you may also be interested in its sister application DSCdecoder.DSCdecoder decodes the Digital Selective Calling (DSC) messages used under the GMDSS for distress and calling purposes. DSC signalling is used in the MF, HF and VHF bands for distress and calling between ships and coast stations. Messages that can be decoded include routine calls for test purposes between ships and coast stations; calls to establish communication by some other means (voice, etc.) between a ship and a coast station; notification of routine and safety messages from coast stations; Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) messages, distress messages and distress relay messages. DSCdecoder will decode these messages and display and log their content. Like the AIS messages that ShipPlotter decodes, you can only hear the DSC messages on VHF if you are within VHF range of the sea. However, DSCdecoder also handles the DSC messages on MF and HF which can be received over much greater distances if you have a suitable receiver. As an added bonus, DSCdecoder also decodes Navtex messages of navigational and meteorolgical warnings that are broadcast on 518 kHz. It also decodes the identity of DGPS stations in the maritime beacon band. You can download DSCdecoder from www.coaa.co.uk/dscdecoder.htm.
Another marine monitoring application is EpirbPlotter. EPIRBs are Emergency Position Identifying Radio Beacons. The newly approved EPIRBs transmit digital messages on 406.025MHz. EpirbPlotter can decode these messages, including the messages transmitted when the Test function is activated. You can download EpirbPlotter from www.coaa.co.uk/epirbplotter.htm.
ShipPlotter can be downloaded freely and comes as a standard self installing setup file. The file size is around 3 Mb.
To use earlier versions of ShipPlotter after 31 December 2014 you will need an updated WMM.COF file, which contains the coefficients for the World Magnetic Model used to convert true bearings to magnetic.
ShipPlotter can be freely downloaded and used for 21 days. After that time it must be registered. Registration can be done swiftly and securely on-line and costs only Euro €25 for personal use and €215 for professional or corporate use. (VAT is added to these charges for customers within the EU). We strongly recommend that you ensure that ShipPlotter performs to your complete satisfaction before registering.
There is a lively discussion forum for ShipPlotter users in the Yahoo egroups domain where users exchange hints, tips, charts and suggestions.
To get the best out of ShipPlotter you need charts on which to plot the traffic that you receive.
NV Charts
ShipPlotter can read digital nautical charts of Europe, the USA and the Carribean produced by NV Charts obtainable via this link.
ShipPlotter itself can import satellite images that are automatically calibrated for use with the program.
If you need coastline charts rather than satellite images, Hal Mueller has generously provided a means to generate charts at his splendid Mobile Geographics website, where you can easily create a personalised chart of your local area.
If you are in North America, you can download charts in BSB format (that ShipPlotter can read directly) from http://www.charts.noaa.gov. The charts you want are Raster Navigational Charts® (NOAA RNCs). Save the chart folder(s) in the chart files directory for ShipPlotter. Each folder contains a .BSB file and one or more .KAP files.
An alternative, if you are in the USA, is a two-DVD set of charts from Managing the Waterway. The BSB charts on these DVDs can be read by ShipPlotter and they make an attractive alternative (currently only $39.95) to downloading large volumes of data.
If you are in western Europe, you can download compressed VMAP Level Zero charts below. Export chemstation data to excel. ShipPlotter can read the vec/nam files and generate a customised outline chart.
CombiPlotter provides you with a low-overhead means of displaying the ship data known to ShipPlotter on another chart view. It will plot simultaneous data from ShipPlotter, PlanePlotter, OrbcommPlotter and SondeMonitor on a single chart.
Richard (VE3IGE) has devised an add-on for ShipPlotter that manages a database and displays the information carried by special binary message formats that are used by the AIS system in the St Lawrence Seaway area. The self installing package includes a VB runtime so it is somewhat over 4 Mb. The message formats include weather reports, water level and water flow reports, lock sequence messages and other interesting data. Rick\'s database archives and displays this information with a very professional user interface.
If you have an earlier version, Richard has released an update file which which adds the display of meteorological information from European base stations. It is the replacement exe. You need to right click on the link below and select \'Save As\' and store it in the directory where the original AISMessage.exe is saved.
If you need to upload data at regular intervals to a web site (eg from the ship.vbs script), Richard has penned a utility to do that. Download the zip file, unzip it and run the setup file.
SP2GM shows you your ShipPlotter plots on a local Google-Map display. Curt Deegan has exercised his skill with scripting languages to extract the current ships displayed on the ShipPlotter chart and to display them instead on a local Google-Map presentation. This add on requires an Internet connection for Google-Maps but it does not require a web server.
SpUp (ShipPlotter Uploader) is a tiny freeware utility for Linux users. As the name suggests, it allows you to upload AIS data to the ShipPlotter sharing server using a Linux box. It requires access to a serial port that receives AIS data in serial NMEA format from a dedicated AIS receiver, and Internet access. It can operate blind or in a command line window with command line options to specify the com port number and the user sharing ID code. The executable file was compiled with static linking and no library requirements. It has been tested on Red Hat/Fedora and SuSe but may work on other flavours of Linux.
The following list of dedicated AIS receivers is by no means exhaustive.
In addition to those, many VHF scanner receivers provide a discriminator output that can be connected to the PC Line-In and decoded by ShipPlotter. Many receivers that do not offer a discriminator output can be modified to yield a suitable signal output by following the instructions on Rene\'s valuable web site.
Version changes in ShipPlotter are to be found here.
There are considerable variations in the legislation concerning radio reception in the different administrations around the world. It is your responsibility to determine whether or not your local administration permits the reception of AIS messages from ships. It is specifically forbidden to use ShipPlotter for any illegal purpose whatsoever. The existence and the availability of ShipPlotter is not to be construed as an incitement to commit any unlawful act. It is for use only in those states and regions where such use is permitted.
If you carry ShipPlotter on board any vessel you must understand that, while ShipPlottermay provide you with some potentially useful information about some of the ships in your vicinity, COAA does not make any warranties whatsoever that ShipPlotter is fit or appropriate for any application, including but not limited to, applications where the safety of life is at stake. On the contrary, your primary means of navigation, collision avoidance and seamanship in general must place no reliance whatsoever on ShipPlotter or any of the data that it generates. Not all vessels carry AIS equipment; not all vessels that carry it can be relied upon to have it operational; the radio receiver to which ShipPlotter is connected may not be delivering all messages in a decodable form; ShipPlotter may not decode messages correctly; ShipPlotter code is reliability tested to an extent that is adequate for entertainment and educational use but is neither warranted nor tested for any operational use.
Contact us: support@shipplotter.com
...'>Ais Decoding Software(08.05.2020)