
How to find and replace asterisk / question mark / tilde in Excel?When you work with an Excel file, you want to find the cells which contain asterisk, question mark or tilde and replace the specific characters with other values. Most of you may consider directly entering the asterisk (.), question mark (?) or tilde character into the Find text box and replace them.

In the Find and Replace dialog box, type the text that you want to be replaced in the Find whatbox. In the Replace with box, type the text that you want to replace the original text. Click Replace All. Method 2: Use Find and Replace. Press CTRL + H. In the Find and Replace dialog box, type the text that you want to be replaced in the Find whatbox.


But in this way, you will get the wrong result. This article, I will talk about how to find and replace asterisk / question mark / tilde in Excel quickly and correctly. To find and replace these specific characters, you need to add a character tilde before the asterisk, question mark or tilde in the Find what text box, please do with the following steps:1. Select the range cells that you want to replace the specific characters.2. Go to click Home Find & Replace Replace or you can press Ctrl + H shortcuts to open the Find and Replace dialog, see screenshot:3. In the Find and Replace dialog box, enter. into the Find what text box to find the cells which have the.

character, and then type the value which you want to replace with in Replace with text box, see screenshot:4. Then click Replace All button in the dialog, and all asterisks have been replaced with the value you want.5. Kaplan toefl pdf. At last, close the Find and Replace dialog box.Note: If you need to replace the question mark or tilde characters, you just enter ? Or into the Find what text box.Related articles.

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I have the below code that should remove all the non-printable characters and trim all space in the cells but it's not doing on all selected cells for some reason. Sub removeSpaceDim rngremovespace As RangeDim CellChecker As RangeSet rngremovespace = Selectionrngremovespace.Columns.Replace What:=Chr(160), Replacement:=Chr(32), LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=FalseFor Each CellChecker In rngremovespace.ColumnsCellChecker.Value = Application.Trim(CellChecker.Value)CellChecker.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Clean(CellChecker.Value)Next CellCheckerSet rngremovespace = NothingEnd Sub.

Try the following code: Sub removeSpaceDim rngremovespace As RangeDim CellChecker As RangeSet rngremovespace = Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Selection)rngremovespace.Replace What:=Chr(160), Replacement:=Chr(32), LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=FalseFor Each CellChecker In rngremovespace.CellsCellChecker.Value = Application.Trim(CellChecker.Value)CellChecker.Value = Application.Clean(CellChecker.Value)Next CellCheckerSet rngremovespace = NothingEnd SubThe above code avoids any references to Columns, and just works solely on the cells selected by the user. If an entire column needs to be processed, that can be selected by the user, but the Intersect will ensure that only used cells will be processed.The inclusion of.Cells in For Each CellChecker In rngremovespace.Cells ensures that any discontinuous cell ranges that have been selected will not cause the For Each to process each 'area', but will instead process each cell separately. Your definition of the range to be treated seems imprecise.

Try this way:- Sub removeSpaceDim rngremovespace As RangeDim CellChecker As RangeWith SelectionSet rngremovespace = Range(Columns(.Column), Columns(.Column +.Columns.Count))End Withrngremovespace.Replace What:=Chr(160), Replacement:=Chr(32), LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=FalseFor Each CellChecker In rngremovespaceCellChecker.Value = Application.Trim(CellChecker.Value)CellChecker.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Clean(CellChecker.Value)Next CellCheckerSet rngremovespace = NothingEnd Sub.

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